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Program for Parents and Guests

New Student Orientation will consist of a one day on campus program for students, parents, families, and partners in success!

The Parents/Guest program at New Student Orientation includes a variety of activities that are meant to introduce you to the university and provide information that will help you ease your student's transition to college life. Orientation is a great opportunity for parents, loved ones, and supporters to learn what it means to be a partner in your student's success, meet staff and faculty members, find out what it will take for your student to be academically successful at UC Merced, and learn about helpful campus resources. 

Parents and Guests are welcome to participate in the Orientation experience with their student. On Orientation day (in-person) there will be two programs running concurrently; one program specifically for students and the other program for parents and guests. Parents and guests will have an opportunity to reconnect with their students during the lunch portion and the farewell reception.

At Parent and Guest Orientation you can:

  • Learn tips that will help your student achieve academic success at UC Merced
  • Receive information about helpful campus resources
  • Meet faculty, staff, and learn about their teaching/research interests
  • Hear from current students about campus life
  • Learn how to ease your student's transition to college life
  • Ask our staff questions about financial aid, housing, health insurance, billing, and much more

Orientation Day (In-person)

The orientation day experience will consist of two separate programs, one for students and another for parents & guests. The orientation day will start at 8am with check-in and will end at 5pm with a farewell reception. Students and their guests are expected to stay for the entire duration of the orientation experience.

Please note that the content for students and parents & guests will be unique to the audience.

Parking is included in your orientation fee and will be available in the Bellevue parking lot. Signage will be displayed to help you locate the designated orientation parking spaces in the Bellevue parking lot.

A light continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon refreshments will be provided for you at your orientation. We will also have hydration stations available where you can fill up a refillable water bottle. We encourage you to bring a refillable water bottle to your orientation.

Parent and Guest Presentations



Have a Question?

Review the Frequently Asked Questions for First Years and Transfer Students.