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Student Orientation

Congratulations on your decision to attend UC Merced! By joining the UC Merced community, you're embarking on a journey filled with fulfilling, exciting, and fun academic and personal experiences. To ensure a smooth transition, your next step is to attend the New Student Orientation.

Attending New Student Orientation is a crucial step in setting yourself up for success at UC Merced. It's the perfect opportunity to prepare for the exciting journey ahead and to start making the most of what the university has to offer. Welcome to UC Merced!

Our Mission

The mission of UC Merced's New Student Orientation is to facilitate a seamless transition for incoming students by providing essential information, resources, and connections. Our goal is to foster a welcoming and supportive environment that empowers new students to thrive academically, socially, and personally that prepares a successful pathway to graduation.

By achieving these objectives, the New Student Orientation at UC Merced aims to lay a strong foundation for each student's journey, ensuring they are well-prepared to make the most of their college experience.

Students Will:

  • Understand the purposes of a college education and the differences between high school and college.
  • Set educational goals by engaging with campus services and resources and understanding academic skills that will lead to graduation.
  • Develop connections for involvement in co-curricular activities through engaging and personal encounters with faculty, staff, and fellow students.


  • Get Connected - Ensure students are connected to a member of the UC Merced community 
  • Get Motivated - Ensure students are motivated to achieve their personal and/or academic goals
  • Get Prepared - Ensure students feel ready to start their first semester successfully by being academically prepared and registered for their courses

Learning Outcomes

After attending New Student Orientation 2024, a student who successfully completes the program will be able to:

  1. Develop a meaningful connection with at least one UC Merced student, orientation leader, staff member, or faculty member by the end of orientation.
  2. Identify at least one campus resource they can utilize during their first year of college.
  3. Describe at least one personal or academic goal they aim to achieve by the end of their first semester.
  4. Articulate their reasons for choosing to attend UC Merced.
  5. Describe the beliefs, choices, and behaviors required to succeed at a research university.

Sample Student Schedule for Summer 2024 Orientation: